About munchausen syndrome
What is munchausen syndrome?
Munchausen syndrome is a mental disorder that is characterized by the sufferer causing or pretending to have physical or psychological symptoms in his or herself.
- Adults aged 20-40 years are the most likely groups to develop Munchausen syndrome. Women with some knowledge or training in health care and men with little familial attachment are particularly vulnerable to this disorder.
- Munchausen syndrome is often either preceded by or coexists with Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
- It is estimated that Munchausen syndrome occurs in a small portion of the United States population, with higher tendencies to occur in subpopulations like people who have been diagnosed as having psychosis or fever of unknown origin.
- Munchausen syndrome has been described since at least biblical times. It was named for Baron Karl Friedrich von Munchausen, an 18th-century man who joined the Russian military and was known to tell fantastic tales about the battles he participated in.
- Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a fabrication of illness by a third person that allows the third person, usually the victim's mother, to assume the caregiver's role.
- Although there is no specific cause for Munchausen syndrome, risk factors for the disorder tend to be psychological as in having borderline or antisocial personality traits or a grudge against the medical profession and social, like having a personal or familial history of serious illness or a history of neglect, abuse, or other maltreatment.
- Due to the chronic nature of the illness, as well as the tendency of sufferers to flee treatment, the treatment of Munchausen syndrome is difficult. No single approach is consistently effective in managing this illness.
- Prevention or early treatment of the factors that place people at risk for developing Munchausen syndrome are important aspects of decreasing the likelihood that the disorder will develop. Once symptoms of the disorder are determined, the earlier it is addressed, the better the likely outcome.
What is Munchausen syndrome?
Munchausen syndrome is a mental disorder that is characterized by the sufferer causing or pretending to have physical or psychological symptoms in his or herself. It is thought to be motivated only by a desire to be seen as ill rather than by avoiding responsibility, financial gain, improving his or her physical condition, or some other benefit, as is true in malingering. Research outcomes differ in terms of identifying groups that are susceptible to developing the disorder. Some statistics indicate that women with health training may be more vulnerable to developing Munchausen syndrome, particularly when it presents with physical symptoms. However, it is thought by other investigators that men and women experience Munchausen syndrome in equal frequency. Still other studies describe middle-aged men who are unmarried and estranged from their families as being the most susceptible to developing this illness. While the disorder may occur at any age, it seems to most often develop in late adolescence or early adulthood and is either preceded by or coexists with Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Munchausen syndrome is also referred to as factitious disorder.
It is estimated that Munchausen syndrome occurs in a small percentage of the United States population. How common it is can be significantly higher in certain subpopulations. For example, some cases of fever of unknown origin are the result of this disorder. Some people who were previously diagnosed as having psychosis were found to have Munchausen syndrome.
Even before it was given its current name, this illness has been described since at least biblical times. For example, sufferers of this attention-seeking syndrome during the Middle Ages have been known to scrape off their skin and put leeches in their own mouths in order to induce bleeding. This disorder was named for Baron Karl Friedrich von Munchausen. Baron von Munchausen lived from 1720 to 1797, was born in Germany, joined the Russian military, and was known to tell fantastic tales about the battles he participated in against the Ottoman Turks. For example, he apparently told stories about riding cannonballs and traveling to the moon.
In contrast to Munchausen syndrome, Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a fabrication of illness by a third person that allows the third person, usually a caretaker, to assume the sick role. The caretaker usually involved in the development of MSBP is the victim's mother. Although both Munchausen syndrome and somatoform disorders can be characterized by physical complaints, Munchausen syndrome is different in that the complaints are consciously invented or caused by the sufferer him or herself. For example, in somatization disorder, conversion disorder, and hypochondria, the individual is convinced that they really suffer from physical symptoms, have a deficit in movement or sensory function, or are seriously ill, respectively.
What are the symptoms for munchausen syndrome?
Pretending to be pregnant for sympathy or moneyb symptom was found in the munchausen syndrome condition
People with Munchausen syndrome deliberately produce or exaggerate symptoms in several ways. They may lie about or fake symptoms, hurt themselves to bring on symptoms, or alter tests (such as contaminating a urine sample). Possible warning signs of Munchausen syndrome include:
- Dramatic but inconsistent medical history
- Unclear symptoms that are not controllable and that become more severe or change once treatment has begun
- Predictable relapses following improvement in the condition
- Extensive knowledge of hospitals and/or medical terminology, as well as the textbook descriptions of illnesses
- Presence of multiple surgical scars
- Appearance of new or additional symptoms following negative test results
- Presence of symptoms only when the patient is with others or being observed
- Willingness or eagerness to have medical tests, operations, or other procedures
- History of seeking treatment at numerous hospitals, clinics, and doctors offices, possibly even in different cities
- Reluctance by the patient to allow doctors to meet with or talk to family, friends, or prior doctors
- Problems with identity and self-esteem
What are the causes for munchausen syndrome?
The exact cause of Munchausen syndrome is not known, but researchers are looking at the role of biological and psychological factors in its development. Some theories suggest that a history of abuse or neglect as a child, or a history of frequent illnesses that required hospitalization might be factors in the development of the syndrome. Researchers are also studying a possible link to personality disorders, which are common in people with Munchausen syndrome.
What are the treatments for munchausen syndrome?
Due to the chronic nature of the illness, as well as the tendency of sufferers to flee treatment, the treatment of Munchausen syndrome can be difficult. No single approach is consistently effective in managing this illness. Confronting victims of Munchausen syndrome does not seem to be an effective part of treatment of this illness. Rather, the sufferer is at even higher risk of prematurely ending medical care in response to being confronted, only to resume getting unnecessary tests and treatments from a new care provider. Therefore, maintaining the delicate balance between providing the sufferer of Munchausen syndrome with empathetic professional support with prevention of their receiving further unnecessary tests and procedures is key to caring from victims of this disorder. Specifically, showing empathy for the difficulties of what led to the development of the disorder while encouraging the victim to adapt new ways of managing their feelings are important aspects of addressing Munchausen syndrome. In addition to trying to develop and maintain a supportive relationship with the individual with this illness, many health care professionals will keep in close contact with the family of the sufferer in order to educate family members about the victim's behaviors and need for attention. The health care professional may also greatly assist in the person's recovery by maintaining frequent communication with other health care professionals as a means of educating those providers about this diagnosis and preventing the perpetuation of unnecessary tests and procedures.
What is the prognosis for Munchausen syndrome?
Munchausen syndrome can have significantly negative effects on the lives of individual sufferers and on the community at large. It is estimated that this disorder results in about $40 million per year in unnecessary tests and other medical resources. The chronic nature as well as the tendency to be at odds with the medical community puts individuals with this illness at risk of multiple recurrences of symptoms. Of related note is the associated high completed suicides at a rate of 30%-70%. Males tend to have worse outcomes than females.
People with Munchausen syndrome who have no other psychiatric diagnosis seem to have a better chance of full recovery than those who also suffer from another mental illness. However, when a person with another psychiatric disorder gets treatment for that problem, their symptoms of Munchausen syndrome often improve as well.
What are the risk factors for munchausen syndrome?
Munchausen syndrome is a form of mental illness where someone fakes or exaggerates their own illness to get attention. It is named after Baron von Munchausen, who supposedly told tall tales about his exploits in the military, and is characterized by a pattern of frequent hospital visits. The person with Munchausen syndrome may also try to injure themselves to get sympathy or attention from others.
The cause of Munchausen syndrome isn't well understood, but it's believed to be related to some psychological issues. It can be hard for people with Munchausen syndrome to understand that what they're doing is wrong because they have a strong need for attention, and this can lead them down a dangerous path.
Munchausen syndrome often starts during childhood when a parent is overprotective or smothering in their love for the child. Children who grow up in these conditions may develop an intense need for attention later in life—and if they don't get it from other sources (like their peers), they may take matters into their own hands by faking illnesses so that others will pay attention to them instead.
The 4 most common risk factors for Munchausen syndrome are:
1. Pathological lying (i.e., the person lies without remorse or reason)
2. Impulsivity and lack of self-control (i.e., they act rashly and without thinking about the consequences)
3. Desire for control over others (i.e., they want to take control over another person's life)
4. Childhood abuse and/or neglect (i.e., they experienced abuse or neglect during their childhood years)
Faking illness or injury in oneself or others,Faking an illness or injury to get medical treatment,Faking an illness or injury for attention from doctors, family, friends and/or the public,Pretending to be pregnant for sympathy or money
Self-induced illness or injury,Hypochondria,Malingering (faking an illness to get something you want),Factitious disorder (a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a person who purposely acts as if they have a physical or mental illness)