The following Conditions are related to Vomiting

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Hyperaldosteronism without hypertension

    Hyperaldosteronism without hypertension is also named Bartter's syndrome. In Hyperaldosteronism, adrenal glands produce much aldosterone. This results in a lowering of potassium levels in the blood, i.e. hypokalemia, and increases hydrogen ion excretion, i.e. alkalosis. 1. In this condition, certain kidney cells are enlarged, the blood becomes more alkaline than in the normal condition, and potassium and chloride  Read More

  • Hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis

    Hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis is a condition in which the calcium levels in your blood are too high. It can be caused by a number of factors, including the use of certain medications, overactive parathyroid glands (which are responsible for regulating the amount of calcium in your body), or kidney failure.1. When this condition occurs, it can cause many symptoms like fatigue and weakness as well as more  Read More

  • Migraine headache

    Migraine headache is a result of specific changes within the brain. It causes severe head pain that is often accompanied by sensitivity to light, sound, or smells. Common symptoms of migraine are: Eye pain Sensitivity to light or sound Nausea Vomiting Severe pain, usually on one side of the head that some individuals describe as "pounding" Other types of  Read More